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Are you interested in teaching and promoting games to others?

From: Nadine S.
Sent on: Thursday, December 18, 2014, 11:06 AM

There is a new national level program that some of you may be interested in called The Envoy Program, run by Double Exposure.

This is a program where you receive games, are certified in teaching them and then commit to teaching them to others.

As the Minnesota Ambassador to this program, I am seeking others who might be interested in learning more.  Besides individuals, game stores and other gaming groups can also sign up.  The program is funded by the game companies involved.

For more information please check out their site -

and for companies involved:

I can also send you the more in depth guides if you are interested - for individuals, stores and conventions.

Please message me directly for more information or you can sign up online if you know this is something you might enjoy.

