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Fwd: php|tek Ticket Giveaway

From: synace
Sent on: Monday, May 21, 2012, 5:24 PM
Free ticket ($1000) to php|tek in Chicago. 22nd through 25th.

Anyone going to be in Chicago tomorrow through Friday?

Make sure you can be there. This e-mail went out to a few other PHP groups. If you're going there, and want the ticket, it's all yours.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elizabeth Naramore
Date: Mon, May 21, 2012 at 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: php|tek Ticket Giveaway

Hey guys!
So Orlando had a helluva time giving the free ticket to php|tek away, so I thought I'd have better luck with the other groups who expressed interest. I'm throwing this out there to the first group that can snatch it up and get a taker. I know it's super-short-last-minute-notice, but even if somebody takes it for Thursday/Friday, it won't be a total waste.

Let me know if you have anybody that can take it!


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