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2010 Camping

From: Brett
Sent on: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 1:05 PM
Hi All,
Just think, the first camping trip is only 4 months away! I am looking at getting some other trips scheduled. In June I would like to have a trip on either the 2nd (11-13) or 4th (25-27) weekend. Here are the choices for those weekends:

6/11-13 6/25-27
Charles A Lindburgh not avail Open
Crow Wing Open Open
Glacial Lakes Open not avail

Here is a link to the state parks website to check out the parks If any of these interest you please let me know. I did look at Lake Carlos and Frontenac but they were not available for either weekend.

I would also like to go to Forestville Mystery Cave State Park in July. For this trip we would be staying in drive-in sites (so we will have to share tents). I would like to go either July 9-11 or 23-25.

Any input would be helpful.


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