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Nouvelle rencontre Meetup : Morgen sings Vivaldi and Bach

From: aurelia
Sent on: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 5:54 PM
Nouvelle rencontre Meetup pour The Paris Expat Canadian Meetup Group?!

Quoi?: Morgen sings Vivaldi and Bach

Quand?: 10 juin[masked]:00

O??: Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour effectuer une recherche?!

Description de la rencontre Meetup?: Morgen, a pillar of the Paris Canadian Meetup, but moreover a friend, sings next Tuesday and Wednesday at the American Cathedral as a member of the Paris Choral Society. Come to support her and listen to a wonderful concert (see below for more details).
You can buy the tickets (20 ? for everybody except students like me who pay only 10?) at Virgin or FNAC or directly at the Cathedral 45 minutes before the concert.

Let's meet in front of the cathedral on Wednesday at 8pm. I won't wait but I can keep few seats. So give me a call or send me a texto if you want me to keep you a seat. This is my phone number:[masked]. Otherwise, let's meet after the concert to congratulate Morgen.
If you can't make it on Wednesday, don't hesitate to go on Tuesday, Joe, another pillar of the Canadian meetup will be there.

I'm counting on you to support Morgen, she's worth it!

Ensemble R?sonnance (orchestra)
Direction Edward J. Tipton



Tuesday, June 9th, 20h30
Wednesday, June 10th, 20h30

Diana Higbee & ?sa Junesj? (sopranos)
Jeni Montrose (alto)
Herv? Lamy (tenor)
Nigel Smith (bass)


? 20/ ? 10 (students)
On sale at FNAC & Virgin
OR at the door 45 minutes before the concert

American Cathedral
23 avenue George V
Paris 8?me

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