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New Meetup: 2010, The year of "Any day is the new Friday" Drink Up!!!

From: Fran
Sent on: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 11:08 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Paris Expat Canadian Meetup Group!

What: 2010, The year of "Any day is the new Friday" Drink Up!!!

When: Tuesday, February 9,[masked]:00 PM

The Frog XVI
110 Bis avenue Kl?ber 75016

So it's a new year and I've already broken my new years resolution (not to go out during work nights), so in celebration of this, I propose we have another drink up Canadian style...

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2010 starting at 7pm (happy hour until 8pm, 5 EUR Pints) until whenever ...

The Frog XVI
110 Bis avenue Kl?ber, 75016 Paris
M?tro: Trocad?ro

Same bar as we never got around to picking another one... so I'm hoping after the next one we can pick another bar, so don't be shy and let me know your suggestions...

Patrick M.

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Membership dues

€1.00 for each meetup attended

This covers:

Payment is accepted using:

  • PayPal
  • Cash or check - “Exact change please

Refunds are not offered for this Meetup.