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New Event: Florida Pagan Gathering (FPG)

From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 2:05 PM
Announcing a new event for The Central Florida / Orlando Drum Circle Community Meetup!

What: Florida Pagan Gathering (FPG)

When: Thursday, November 1, 8:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Samhain 2007
Nov. 1-4

Cenedl (Pronounced KEN neddle) Is a Gaelic word that means extended family. All of our Samhain headliners and guests are our extended family and the main ritual speaks of the ties we feel for all people tortured and murdered for their spiritual beliefs. We know many of the folks hung for crimes of Witchcraft may not have been Witches but by their trial and deaths they became our extended family. We will be calling the roll of our Salem ancestors and using actual dialog from the trials as part of our ritual. We will also have a place in ritual for us to each send wishes and thoughts to those who have crossed the veil of our Kith and Kin.

Special guests include: Kirk White, Dorothy Morrison, M.R. Sellers, Kristin Madden Raven and Stephanie Grimassi, Ann Moura, Gina Estevez, Earth Drum Tribe and Hecate's Wheel

Visit the website for more information!

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