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Free drum circle/camping event

From: Max
Sent on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 7:53 PM
Wanted to make sure everyone knew about this, wasnt sure if the first email went out to everyone. In case you did get the earlier email, I wanted to let everyone know that I contacted the organizers and they wrote back with this:
You are welcome to mention event on your group with link to website
for info about AWA. We are generally not agreessive with advertising.
It is important that everyone know that All Workd Acres is a sanctuary
and that the sanctity of the grounds is always more important than the
After reading that and looking thru their website, I came to realize that this is a very special place. I'm very excited to be able to take part.
Also, if you are want to go but dont want to drive or cant get a ride, I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon and can fit at least one person in my car. I'm packing fairly lite...
Original message:
The 4th annual Brighid's Fire festival will be held on Feb. 16-18, 2007 at All World Acres, Tampa Bay area, Florida.

This free weekend festival will feature workshops, main ritual, drum circles, sweat lodge, poetry reading, healing circle, vendors, and fun for the whole family. Come spend the day or camp for the whole weekend.

Camping is also free. Gates will be open at 3pm on Friday for visitors and campers.

The onsite Caf? will be open each day with prepared meals, drinks, and snacks at reasonable prices.

More info here;

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