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Friendly Reminder: Texas Freethought Convention, Tomorrow!

From: Paul
Sent on: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 11:22 AM

Howdy Folks,


This is a friendly reminder about the Texas Freethought Convention tomorrow, Sunday October 26th in Austin, Texas. 

There's plenty of parking around the venue, all the meters are free on Sundays. 


The convention hall is attached to a restaurant called Scholz Garten and is close to 6th St. 


We'll have some drinks, wine, and various foods in the venue for those who'd like to partake.  There's no extra charge for the grub and drinks.

But the grub may run out quick! 


The entrance donation can be paid via cash at the door.  We don't have the ability to process Debit/Credit card transactions at the door, so sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Expect to meet plenty of people around Texas and other states, to include individuals, organizations, families etc. Feel free to spark up a conversation, a healthy debate, and/or enjoy the live music, speakers and performance art.

Gas is a lot cheaper than a few months ago too!  Whew! 


We hope to see you there! 


For more details please visit

Thank you!


-Your TFC Committee