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Accompanist Needed ASAP!

From: Celeste
Sent on: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 8:23 AM
Dear Piano Friends

One of our accompanist for three events for the September Concert Foundation ' s community outreach program, has pulled out due  to sudden illness in the family. We need an accompanist for the following songs and dates.. All singers know the material and would need about 2 rehearsals. 

Friday, Sept 10th, 2010   11am 
Beth Israel  Hospital Philips Ambulatory Center (Union Square) 
"What Is This Feeling" from  Wicked
"Alto's Lament" 

Friday, Sept 10th[masked]pm 
Renwick Senior Living Quarters (Murray Hill) 
"Someone to Watch Over Me" 
Saturday, Sept 11th,[masked]pm 
NY Firefighter's Memorial Park (Theatre District)
"Feeling Good" 
"This is the Moment" from Jekyll and Hyde 

Sorry for the short notice.. We had a the next two Wednesdays( Sept 1 + Sept 8) set aside for rehearsal in Midtown afterwork at Shetler Studios from 7-9pm .   We are looking for a pianist to fill in last minute.  We have all already put in alot of rehearsal and would hate to pull out of the concerts.  If any of you are able to fill in, please contact me ASAP.. 

Celeste Chau 

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