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Next free NoSQL Nights in Berlin: 25.04 and 07.05

From: Ewa K.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 1:41 PM
Once again I would like to invite you to the interesting GOTO on NoSQL Events on behalf of NoSQL Search Roadshow Berlin 2013.

GOTO on NoSQL Events are free evening community events, driven by involvement from both speakers and participants. Come along and learn something new! We will provide a light meal - all you have to do is show up. NOTE: The number of places is limited - First-come, first-served!

Registration and schedule:


If you would like to join our Conference on 16th of May with your colleagues, please contact me at: [address removed]<mailto:[­address removed]>, we have some great group discounts!:)

Best regards,
Ewa Kucharczyk
Sales and Conference Manager
Trifork GmbH, Neuhofstrasse 8,

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