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Chang Thai in Broomfield

From: Cheryl
Sent on: Monday, June 17, 2013, 4:53 PM
I have to say, I went for lunch today and the food is amazing!!! What a treat to have a vegan Thai tea. 
It's a quaint restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating available. The staff is very friendly. 
I know that I appreciate when I go out to eat and the restaurant knows what vegan means. It is a relief to know that there won't be anything fishy in my food. 
I hope we can help this restaurant grow, while getting to enjoy amazing vegan Thai food. 
Bon appetite! 

Cheryl Furer [address removed]

On Jun 15, 2013, at 22:12, "Emily J." <[address removed]> wrote:


Chang Thai in Broomfield is offering rotating specials on Tuesday nights.  Dinner is served from 4:30 - 9:00pm.  The address is 155 Nickel St., Broomfield.  The phone number is[masked].  Website:  Chang Thai is very vegan friendly and if you love Thai food, this is the place to go.  The owner is vegan and she loves serving vegan food!  The featured dishes and specials will vary.

This Tuesday will feature four dishes to choose from.  The special includes a cup of Vegetable and Tofu Soup, along with a sampling of two entrees (from 4 featured entrees) and a side of rice.  Brown rice is available for $1.00 extra.  This week's four featured entrees are Pad Pek (Mixed Veggies), Pad Thai, Massaman Curry (Coconut milk and peanut base curry) and Pineapple Fried Rice.   The first order is $9.99 and the second order is $8.99 (for two orders).  Single orders qualify for the punch card.  The punch card is buy 10 and get one free. 

Hope to see you there.  This is not a Meetup, so stop by or pick up carry out anytime between 4:30 and 9:00pm.

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