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New Meetup: Halloween corgi parade at Greenlake

From: Jamie
Sent on: Friday, September 11, 2009, 7:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Corgi's R Us!

What: Halloween corgi parade at Greenlake

When: October 31,[masked]:00 AM

Green Lake Park
7201 E Green Lake Dr N
Seattle, WA 98115

Time to dress your corgi up in a silly costume and walk around Greenlake!

Our theme this year is fruit. Target is selling banana costumes sized to fit all corgis, so if you are not feeling creative, stop in and get a costume. If you are feeling creative... how about a kiwi corgi? A strawberry corgi? Or maybe a blackberry (fruit of the loom Ranger) corgi? The options are endless.

We are thinking that a bunch of corgis and a stand-in gorilla (Myranda?) would be just the thing to celebrate Halloween.

We'll meet at the community center and try to keep an enjoyable pace for all. Although some corgis are fast pace setters. Parking is limited, so plan to find a place on the street in front of the community center.

Plan about 2 hours for the walk, if we go around the lake twice. If people want, we can do a potluck after the walk.

Bring your cameras and be really for some really amusing looks from passerbys!

Let me know if you have questions.

Jamie and Carly

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