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Jelly LA Update: Schedule Change and...

From: Bryan K.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 10:55 AM
Hey Co-Workers!

Jelly LA is going through some changes for the better! Three points about the good news are outlined below; browse for the bold headlines, read more if you're interested.


Starting in March, Jelly LA will be hosted every other Friday at Funnel Mill (Jellies through May are outlined on the calendar). This change will allow us to host at more spaces around Los Angeles, including?since the weather's getting nice?outdoor spaces with free wi-fi like LACMA's courtyard.


Thanks to Charlie Basil, Jelly LA is soon coming to Southbay! Keep an eye on the calendar for more information. And, while we're talking about expansion, if you know a venue interested in hosting Jelly LA, or want Jelly LA a lil' closer to home (Pasadena, Downtown), let me know and we'll see what it takes to organize in your area.


Since we've been at Funnel Mill, the only issue we've had is with old-model pc laptops connecting to the internet. For most, the fix was to access the advanced settings, and manually enter the network and password (Sorry that didn't work for you Adrienne.) If you have any suggestions on improving Jelly LA, pass them my way!

Overall, it's been a great few months for Jelly... The Los Angeles group has grown significantly, we're expanding to Southbay (and soon WeHo), and Jelly Talks got Jellies from all over the country together via live web feed.

Thanks for your support, and I hope to see you all soon!


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