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If you get a 1099, be at tonight's Meetup!

From: Bryan K.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 9:02 AM
Hello, JellyLA!

Here's a personal last-call-for-RSVPs message. Tonight, Freelancers Union will be speaking after a presentation on Twitter from Net2LA member Christine. Anyone who receives a 1099 this tax year?which I think would be the majority of this group?is eligible for ALL of Freelancers Union's benefits which include Health, Dental, Disability, and Life Insurance and Retirement Plans...not to mention a job board, discounts, networking, and webinars.

Freelancers Union's Althea Erickson, Senior Manager of Advocacy and Policy, and Carolyn Silveira, Communications Coordinator, want to learn how they can better server Los Angeles, and they are here to listen to you.

Please come out tonight in support of the Freelance Community of Los Angeles. There are 12 spots left. RSVP now!


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