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Februay 19 BOD Meetup Report

From: ReneeA
Sent on: Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 11:40 PM

Ticket to Ride was a great game to start with, because it worked for the newbies as well as the seasoned gamers.

We regrouped, and played Dominion. The strategies some of us used never really got off the ground before the game ended. Tweaking the cards a little could probably make a huge difference!


Other members said:


Stephanie "Macca"

Had a lot of fun playing Ticket to Ride. It was great meeting everybody. I'll definitely be back!


Rammy M

First of all "Welcome!" to our two new ... members? friends? players? (whatever) Anyway, we had fun playing Ticket To Ride, then we beta-tested a new game by one of the new folks. A good time was had by all.