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July 14: BIC Meetup Report

From: ReneeA
Sent on: Friday, July 18, 2014, 1:25 AM

A group of people started with a quick game of Coup; I'm not sure who won.

Then we played two rounds of Hanabi. I ended up liking this light card game of guessing which cards are in your hand, while helping others do the same. Definitely fun.

Then we played our main game of the evening, a five-player game of Cinque Terre. I was sure I wouldn't win this time, but Tyler and I tied for the win - even after two tie-breakers were counted!

We ended with a quick game of Bazaar, which I won. I guess it was my night!

tyler janis said:
Kevin won coup. We also played a beer themed card game in teams of 2 that Ben and Kevin won.

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