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Antarctica Trip

From: Guinevere
Sent on: Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 5:38 PM
Jennifer is organizing a trip to Antarctica, and an opening has become available. I posted it as a note in the calendar. See below.



The cost of the trip is $4880 and due fairly immediately. This cost covers the Antarctica voyage beginning with a hotel stay in Ushuaia Argentina on 30 November. The voyage departs on 1 December, crosses the Drake Passage (2 days) visits the Antarctic Peninsula for 4 days of kayaking and camping (either or both can be cancelled for reduced cost) then returns 2 days across the passage and to Ushuaia on 11 December. Everything except tipping is included on the voyage. Airfare will run an additional[masked] depending on how/where the flight is booked.

Contact Jennifer [address removed] if you are interested.

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