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What we’re about

Join DC Party Paparazzi Party and get introduced to other active singles.


Are you an active single looking to meet other active singles that love to go out on the town, listen to music and go out to the hottest events? If the answer is yes then this is the group for you. I am a fun professional who loves to mix up the party and make introductions.


Increase your chances of meeting other active singles who want to increase their social network. How you meet great singles in the DMV is by getting out on the town and having a great time.




Why did I form this group?

 Its simple, I wanted to combine the things that all active singles want in a weekend. Going out, dancing, drinking, meeting new people or making a dating connection all in one night. The DC area is transient and most people come here without knowing a soul. Meetup unfortunately is comprised of 3 types of singles groups. The first is the club promoters who are just concerned about you showing up to the party so that they can get paid. They never talk to you or interact or care if you are having fun. Not good.

The second are groups where total strangers get together to go to the movies or out to dinner or the really bad meetup, meeting at peoples homes. I can stay home for that.

The third is the SPEED DATING company that will do what all speed dating company’s do, sit you in front of a variety of people and you talk for two minutes about yourself 20 times. That’s a lot of talking.


If you’ve had it with these types of groups and want to get back to what feels more natural, then this is the group for you.


Regards - Manan Singh Katohora


Upcoming events (1)

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