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Hello everyone...and please stay connected!!

From: user 6.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 11:11 PM
Hello everyone!! I have been humbled and blessed to have been your organizer for the last month...I am sorry to say, because of so many wonderful things unfolding and manifesting in my experience, I am stepping down from this group as your organizer.
I wish, deeply, to stay in contact with you and to hear your successes as time expands into the new and heightened level of consciousness that our beautiful planet is experiencing. Please join my E-mail list to stay updated on the happenings of my own personal evolution. As a gift, you'll receive my E-book, The Art of Inner Awareness, just for joining!

I truly hope I can serve you in the future through my example and the path that I have chosen, and I'm certain I will see many of you blossom into your own magnificence. All the best to you and stay connected by joining my E-mail list!! You can join by clicking here:

Love, light and freedom to all!!
George Ira Carroll

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