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Fwd: New PyTexas website

From: Sheila A.
Sent on: Monday, August 29, 2011, 9:43 PM
For those of you in Meetup, as well as PyTexas registered attendees,
who might not follow the regular mailing lists:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brad Allen <[address removed]>
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 9:41 PM
Subject: New PyTexas website
To: Texas Python User Group <[address removed]>, DFW Python Mailing
List <[address removed]>, [address removed], Houston Python Users
<[address removed]>

Hello folks,

We have a new PyTexas website! See https://www.pytexa...­

It looks almost exactly like the blogspot site (which has a new URL
btw at https://blog.pytex...­), but seriously, it's not built using
Blogspot. :-)

The new site is built using the same Python-based Django/Pinax
Symposion software used to create the US PyCon 2011 website, as well
as DjangoCon 2011 and PyOhio 2011. This will allow us to soon start
enabling many of the same features as those websites, most importantly
the talk schedule.

Thanks go to Glen Zangirolami for all the technical setup of putting
this site together, including creating developer environment
VirtualBox machines to make it easy for others to contribute and test
changes. Let us know if you're interested in helping out!

The code for this website is in the PyTexas organization on GitHub:­

Currently I'm the primary maintainer of the page content of this site,
as well as the blog and the wiki. I need help! There's a lot of info
about PyTexas which I simply have not had time to post in a
presentable fashion. (For example, Snoball is hosting a big party on
Saturday evening...that goes somewhere on the website, right?!)

Now the family of PyTexas websites has a URL organization which looks like this:

* redirects to
* -- The blogspot site
* -- Redmine issue tracker for PyTexas (go ahead, enter
some tickets!)
* -- MoinMoin wiki. Do we still need this? Please discuss.

There is also an IRC on Freenode, at #pytexas.  Hey, and don't forget
to join the PyTexas mailing list.

Hey, btw...we have over 150 registrations for PyTexas. This thing is
becoming a monster which I can barely keep up with (I have a full time
job which is running out of vacation days!). Please let me know if you
can help out; there is a lot to get ready in the next two weeks!  I
want to have a meeting soon with volunteers and get all the tasks

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