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New Meetup: Wild Plant Foraging

From: Madeline
Sent on: Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 1:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for NYC Freegan Meetup!

What: Wild Plant Foraging

When: Sunday, May 16,[masked]:00 PM

Prospect Park
Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Join Zaac on a foray through the park to identify and gather common wild edibles, teas and medicinals-- "weeds", parts of shrubs and trees, and mushrooms. We will go for about 3 hours and will take a break in the middle to talk about the politics of food and waste, and how foraging works with other freegan practices and ideas provide an alternative to the globalized capitalist system.

Experienced and beginning foragers are welcome; if you've got some knowledge, be prepared to share it! Bring snacks and water, bags for your finds, and a hand trowel if you have one.

Zaac practices a freegan, vegan lifestyle, volunteering his time with animals recovering from abuses inherent in industrialized farming. He is one of the only known people to have bicycled to Quebecan regions of Tundra forestry(where trees end), a two month journey, during which he picked wild mushrooms, and ate primarily "found" calories.

Learn more here:

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