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New Meetup: freegan general meeting and tour

From: Janet
Sent on: Sunday, April 25, 2010, 9:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for NYC Freegan Meetup!

What: freegan general meeting and tour

When: Monday, May 3,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

We will have a general freegan meeting from 7:30 to 9. It will be at Sakia, a public space that is located across the street from Grand Central Station, on Park Avenue and 42nd Street. Its name is not prominently displayed, but you can recognize it: it's an indoor space on the southwestern side of Park Avenue/42nd Street. There are tables inside, and a security guard or two near the entrance, which is on 42nd Street. If you can't find it, call Janet:[masked]

At 9 we will have a freeganism 101 for newcomers and for all who would like to come talk about freegan practices and ideas.

At 9:30 we will have a trashtour that will last about an hour and a half. It will begin on 3rd Avenue (West side of the street) between 38th and 39th Streets. If you are looking for the group and running late, again you may call Janet:[masked]

**** there will be media welcome, with appointment, at the trashtour, not the meeting****
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