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****Wine Tasting - Eat and Mingle- Northend******

From: Keith
Sent on: Saturday, November 5, 2011, 10:01 AM

That is Right .... Come out for a Wine Tasting Event up North. The East side isn't the only place to taste Great wines and meet fun singles. Or just come meet some great singles even if you do not drink. Do not like Wine, try one of their Specialty Beers at a discount while they are doing the tasting

A Evening of fun and Socialize with other Singles .. The owners Didn't like going out to a bar to go out. So they brought that idea into there business. So they have a nice place to sit and socialize and have a glass of wine in a great environment. They also have Specialty Beers that you can buy at a discount for the those who don't care for Wine.

When: Monday Nov. 14 at 7pm to 9pm

Where:  Wine Styles [masked]th Street NE, Marysville, WA

Cost: Come socialize for free -The wine tasting is $15 for a taste of 6 wines followed by a glass of your favorite one.  special discount 3 bottles of wine you will receive $10.00 off your purchase this is just for our event

It has been cross posted on other single groups please keep your RSVP current.

We looking to raid a the local Applebee's as an after party social and eat

Applebee's - 9pm till ??

[masked]th Street Northeast
Marysville, WA[masked]  (360)[masked]

They do have some food and drink specials that night

Come hang out with us

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