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7th Annual “Hidden River Ranch” Picnic & Camp-Out Weekend

From: Keith
Sent on: Saturday, June 6, 2015, 8:13 AM

7th Annual “Hidden River Ranch” Picnic & Camp-Out Weekend

You don't want to miss out on this FUN Annual Event

When: Friday June 26th  starting as early as  12 pm thru Sunday June 28th  6 pm  - Come spend one or two nights camping with us or just spend the day Saturday 10 am till 10 pm for our Picnic and open Social.

What is happening? Camping, Horseback Riding, Games, Hiking, Scavenger hunt, Swimming at the River, Socializing, Nightly Bonfire, Picnic Style Activity on Saturday.  PLUS MORE


NOT SINGLE? You are welcome to join us., This is a Social event and not everyone is looking for relationships. Many are looking to make new friends .. Please lets us know when you get there if you are not ..

Please note if you are coming please bring CASH for the event or contact me and you can send a CC payment ahead of time through Paypal

If you are willing and able to we need donations for extra items for the event. it will be greatly appreciated or if you can bring some extra things please let me know (Cases of water, paper plates, paper towel, ice, to name a few)



Keith and Team