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What we’re about

Many thanks to Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign, for their donation to help get Belles on Bikes Edinburgh back up and running for 2022. Spokes is volunteer-run and works hard to make cycling in Edinburgh and the Lothians better for everyone - we'd really recommend joining or getting involved!

Belles on Bikes Edinburgh is an inclusive social cycling group for women of all ages and abilities. Our volunteer ride leaders organise regular routes with plenty of cake stops, so come along for a ride! Whether you want to start commuting by bike, cycle with family and friends at the weekend or just meet like-minded people, Belles on Bikes is for you.

Who supports Belles?
Belles on Bikes Edinburgh is currently supported through Cycling UK. Belles on Bikes aims to support women to get cycling together in a friendly, inclusive and relaxed environment. All abilities are welcome. We cycle as a group and don't leave anyone behind.

How does Belles work?
Please keep the following in mind before coming on ride:

• Please RSVP to rides, put it in your diary and update your RSVP in good time if you can no longer attend. Our rides are often oversubscribed and as we are a completely volunteer-led group it's a real shame when folk do not turn up. 

• Please be respectful. If you no show or cancel at the last minute, we will consider removing you from the group. Our ride leaders are volunteers, their time is valuable and they freely choose to give it so the Belles can enjoy cycling - we would appreciate it if you respected this. 

• Please consider the route and the level of difficulty before attempting a ride. If you are unsure try one of the shorter, easier rides before coming on a longer, more difficult ride.

• It is our policy not to meet participants part-way through Belles rides. Please meet us at the start point - this is to ensure consistency, fairness and an easier logistical undertaking for our ride leader volunteers.

• Please always bring food and water with you and tell someone where you are going and who with. Bring your mobile phone and make sure you give an emergency contact number to ride leaders before setting off. Also bring some money as there is often a much needed cake/lunch stop built in.
• All rides are pre-planned by the group but you are responsible for your own safety at all times.

• Please make sure your bike is in good working order (complete with spare inner tube) and you have proper clothing for cycling. If in doubt please drop us a line and we'll do our best to help.

• If you don't visit the Meetup site for a long time we will remove you from the group. This is to keep our member numbers active and accurate. You're welcome to rejoin to attend rides.

We hope to see you at a ride soon!