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dont miss Boot-Strapping mini Work-Shop, Thurs 6 June

From: Peter C.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 9:14 AM

Boot-Strapping mini Work-Shop

For our Meetup on Thursday 06 June, I will be “facilitating” a mini Work-Shop on Boot Strapping. I’ve had Businesses for over 40 yrs & helped other companies set up their business for 20 years. The outline is below:

- Don't quit your Day Job
- Get Experience in your Mkt
- Advantages
- Who’s your Customer?
- How to find out their needs
- What’s your Competition?
- How are you better?
- Test & Verify your Solution
- Hiring your Team, Contracts
- Marketing / Launching
- Being Lean, Mgt of Cash Flow
- Preparing for Funding

We meet at Hobees, 101 & Mathilda – next to Denny’s in Sunnyvale
7pm Dinner & Networking
8pm Program till about 9

If you have any questions, contact Peter/Organizer. You’ll learn a lot from this mini Work-Shop !!!

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