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Help Us Create a Zero Waste Plan in Oceanside - (carpooling available)

From: Laura
Sent on: Monday, November 14, 2011, 9:21 PM
Hi All,

This coming Thursday, November 17th, Zero Waste San Diego will be joining the community of Oceanside to launch the last a couple of zero waste outreach meetings. Our goal is to get input from the community and design a zero waste plan in Oceanside around the discussion.

What if we don't live in Oceanside? We still need you. Because as a County we can make a movement towards zero waste one city at a time. But the time is now to be heard. 

Below you will find the topics of Thursdays meeting and a link to RSVP. Please click on the link, so I know how many people that will be attending so I can have the proper amount of refreshments.

Organics Mtg (I.e Composting, Food waste...) @ 3:00pm RSVP Here

Consumer Issues (I.e. plastic bags, Polystrene takeout containers, batteries...) @ 6:00pm RSVP Here

If you are interested in attending the meetings but you need a ride. Please REPLY ALL to this email and say that you want to come but you need a ride and/or you can be a driver.

I want San Diego to represent at these meetings so please join us.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Laura Anthony
Zero Waste San Diego

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