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Save the Date for Zero Waste!

From: Laura
Sent on: Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 11:27 PM
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Zero Waste Symposium: Keys to Sustainability

Save the Date

February 4th
Zero Waste San Diego and the San Diego Chapter of the California Resource Recovery Agency (CRRA) are hosting the 1st ANNUAL ZERO WASTE SYMPOSIUM: Keys to Sustainability, on Tuesday, February 4, 2014. The event will be held from 9:00 am to 4:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Hearing Room (next to the Campus Center Café) at the County of San Diego, County Operations Center at [masked] Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123.

A unique, rapid-fire format of ten minute presentations by industry experts will ensure a wide and comprehensive array of Zero Waste topics will be covered, including Zero Waste principles, source reduction and reuse strategies, policy developments and working from the top down, managing edible and compostable discards, and lots of success stories from public and private sector resource managers well on their way towards a goal of Zero Waste. Stay tuned for a list of  speakers, presentation titles, and other program details. 

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