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2012 FASHION 2.0 AWARDS: Tickets and Voting Reminder.

From: Yuli Z.
Sent on: Thursday, February 2, 2012, 12:51 PM

Dear Fashion 2.0 members,

Can't wait to see you at the 3rd Annual Fashion 2.0 Awards ceremony on February 8th!

We are excited to announce that this year’s ceremony will feature first-time host Robert Verdi, a well-known TV personality, celebrity stylist and one of the earliest industry veterans to utilize social media. The inaugural Keynote Address will be given by design legend and pioneer Norma Kamali. The first Fashion 2.0 Visionary Award will be presented to Gilt Groupe Founders Alexis Maybank and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson.


The reception is sold out, but several ceremony only tickets are still available. 

PRESS/ PHOTOGRAPHERS please send your invite requests to [address removed]. 

VOTE for your favorite brands now at



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