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Announcing: Fashion 2.0: Luxe vs. Mass.

From: Yuli Z.
Sent on: Monday, March 15, 2010, 6:26 PM
WHAT: Fashion 2.0: Luxe vs. Mass.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 23,[masked]:00 PM
WHERE: Audrey Caf? & Lounge at W New York - The Tuscany, 120 E 39th St, New York

In our March panel we will look at the different ways high end, mass and emerging brands use the online space to market and sell their products on the web. We will try to find the differences in their approaches, in their use of social media and e-commerce. Some of the questions to be asked: How do the emerging designers utilize the new tools to jump start their brands? What are the challenges mass brands are facing online? What are some of the e-commerce channels that work best for each group? How do they monetize social media? Have any online insights affect their price points? How do they differentiate themselves from others in the space? In what ways has the recession economy changed their approach online?

6pm-7pm - networking, open bar (courtesy of TheFind)
7pm-8pm - speakers panel
8pm and later - networking

1. Rafe Totengco - Designer, CEO, Rafe NYC
2. Kerry Bannigan, CEO, Nolcha
3. Aaron Mandelbaum, Big M Inc (Mandee, Annie Sez, Afaze).
4. Dave Cook, Director of Marketing, TheFind


TheFind is the vertical search engine for shopping that puts every product, every store, every sale, coupon and discount, right at your fingertips. No matter what it is looking for, you can quickly find the lowest price, the best deal, the perfect gift, or that hard-to-find item. TheFind crawls the entire Web and with it's patented search technology helps shoppers discover everything that online shopping, local shopping, and green shopping have to offer. Over 320 million products from more than 500,000 stores and online merchants are currently universally accessible through, TheFind Mobile, and TheFind iPhone App.

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