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zend fun and a hackathon ideas

From: Eric M.
Sent on: Thursday, May 17, 2012, 11:15 AM

Hey all,

I got a gal in the city that is looking for a zend rockstar for a small gig that will get her out of a bit of trouble.

Hit me up at [address removed] for contact info.


On another note, a couple of us have been talking about doing a hackathon this summer and we are open to ideas. It would be an all day affair so I am looking for ideas on topic and location. We can carry this discussion into the message board, but I wanted to get the conversation going.


The hackathon should be:

Location that allows food, easy access, presentation equipment bonus, all day.

Application ideas:

Open to many, but here is one I have been floating with:

Splunk report that sends results to a responsive website for mobile/tablet reports using jQuery charting tools, like Wijmo (presented earlier this year).  This will involve several groups of different disciplines, from back end to front end to you project managers. Just a thought


Enjoy the protests!


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