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What we’re about

The F# language was carefully crafted to have the ease of a scripted language, without run-time wait-and-see surprises through the use of type inference.  With F#, you also get the instant REPL feedback which we normally associated interpreted languages, yet you can also compile it. 

F# is multi-paradigm.  Although F# is a functional-first language, it supports the object-oriented approach, in a nice, logical way.  It’s a .net citizen, meaning that you can mix and match anything that compiles down to CLR ILAsm.  F# has pipelines to produce code that runs in browsers, iOS, and Android.  F# has GPU support.  F# works on Linux and Windows.  F# code runs on devices everywhere. 

The F# OSS community continues to innovate.  For example, F# had async / await in 2007.

We were curious about how F# might have inspired C#, so we got in touch with Mads Torgersen (Mads is the MS C# Program Manager).  Mads replied:

"F# is a great language for us C# designers to be around. There's a lot we can learn about how functional features are used in practice, and how to build them on the .NET platform. At the same time, I think C#'s adoption of more functional features is good for F#: it makes it a smaller leap for a .NET developer to try their hand at F# and get the full functional package."

If you're even a little curious about F#, please feel free to drop by.

As an affiliated user group of, the F# Software Foundation, we strive to build a great community of passionate people who care deeply about F#, and want to make our community a safe and welcoming place for everyone. We expect everyone attending our events to be respectful, open, and considerate, and to follow the F# Software Foundation Code of Conduct. If someone's behavior makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in any way, please report the issue by emailing