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Last chance to register for tonight's deep dive

From: Eric Y.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 7, 2013, 11:02 AM
Hey NYC Gamers,
  Reminder about our two deep dives scheduled over then next 7 days.  Limited seats available.

Date: Tuesday May 7th @ 7pm est (tonight)
Location: Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the America's

Also make sure to sign up for next weeks class.

Date: Tuesday May 14th @ 7pm est
Location: Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the America's


Now a word from our sponsors:

The Law Offices of Aaron H. Pierce helps game companies of all sizes with the full range of legal issues from incorporation to contract negotiation, development agreements, IP rights management and protection. Have a quick question and want to work with true experts in the field? Contact Aaron and Chris for a free consultation and find out how our flexible pricing and dedication to clients will let you focus on making great games.

Millennial Media is the leading independent mobile advertising platform company. We help developers focus on their core business of developing apps by providing the technology,tools and services necessary to maximize advertising revenue, acquire users for their apps and gain insights about their users. Visit to learn more and start monetizing and advertising your applications today.

GoPrezzo is a plug and play tournament platform and your new best friend. As active NYGM member and creator of Rope Rescue Itay Keren says, "goprezzo offers game developers a new and unique monetization opportunity. We are excited about it because it opens up a new revenue channel that is solely based on actual user engagement. So in a sense we win twice". Interested in how Goprezzo can help your game gain even more traction Email [address removed] for details.

Corona Labs is the maker of Corona SDK, a top mobile development platform. Over 200,000 developers worldwide use Corona SDK to build rich, interactive cross-platform mobile games and apps for iOS, Android, Kindle and NOOK. Using Corona SDK, you can develop world-class apps in a fraction of the time. Learn more and download a free, unlimited trial of Corona SDK Or email us at [address removed].

Eric Yohay

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