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Vegetable Recipe Contest! Do you have a favorite recipe for preparing or cooking freshly harvested vegetables?

From: Don R.
Sent on: Monday, October 8, 2012, 3:41 PM

Don Rosenberg, owner of Instant Organic Garden and author of the book, “No Green Thumb Required! Organic Family Gardening Made Easy” is working on his third book, “The Organic Gardener’s Cookbook” and is looking for your help. If you have a family recipe you’d like to share that involves fresh produce, either one vegetable or combinations, please send them to [address removed]. If you have a good quality, color photo of the dish, that would help. Also, please include the story behind the dish. Who created it originally and when? Where were they from? Did it have a special meaning in your life? Etc.

Winners will be selected in different categories – best overall recipe, best easy recipe, best recipe for “when you have too many tomatoes, squash, etc.,” best story, best ethnic dishes, funniest story, etc. Winners will receive 1-5 copies of the book for free, and everyone whose recipe is used in the book will be entitled to significant discounts if they want to purchase a copy.

Chefs in commercial restaurants are also invited to participate. Include a personal photo, a photo of your restaurant, and a photo of the dish, if possible, as well as the story behind each dish. All accepted entries will include your info if you wish – restaurant name, location, contact info, website info, etc.

Don Rosenberg[masked]

[address removed]

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