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Re: [gotwaw] The money issue - re:4th of July Fireworks Sail!

From: John
Sent on: Monday, July 2, 2012, 7:52 PM

This subject came to my attention in two ways:

1) Latitude 38 published a statement about increased enforcement here.

2) Ron Strathman, who is the Organizer of the San Diego Sailing meetup group sent out this email:


Please remember that per US Coast Guard regulations unless you are a licensed captain, have a charterers permit with the port district and carry the requisite insurance for charters for hire you CANNOT charge more than a voulntary donation for private party sails. You CAN request a payment for the sail that equals the total amount for the sail itself, meaning fuel and food cost for the day, but this payment MUST be spilt between all on the boat, including you. That amount does NOT include maintenance, slip fees and other various expenses involved in owing a boat.

If you do not follow this policy you will be subject to prosecution by the federal government if stopped by the USGC.

Fair warning.

Ron SSD Organizer."

Ron organizes a very similar group to Got Wind and Water, and as a group, they, like the North Bay Sailing Group, embrace sailing charters as well as sailing schools/charter clubs.

My particular vision for Got Wind and Water is to connect sailors.  I'm very comfortable with both you and Steve and Capt. Dan Brown.  All three of you connect with sailors and share your love of sailing with other members of the group.  That is the litmus test that I apply.  Commercial Sailing Charters such as Adventure Cat, the schooner Seaward and some others that I could name have a commercial/passenger/revenue focus.  Pay your money and you'll get X numbers of hours on the water as a passenger.  Maybe we'll let you pull on some lines too.

Steve and Dan are not only licensed captains, they have exceptional experience as sailors first and passenger vessel captains second.  They have something to share and they do. 

Whether you continue to organize events in the group is up to you.


P.S. San Diego and San Francisco are both in District 11, and headquartered in Alameda on Coast Guard Island.  Having this particular warning come out just before the 4th of July and be picked up in both San Diego and San Francisco Bay . . . and understanding that the AC45s will be racing in August, I'm paying attention.  I suspect that the suggestion that a port permit is required is coming from San Diego which has only one Port Authority.

My understanding (I could be wrong) is that the Six-Pack license is primarily used in sailing and boating schools, where the passengers are paying for lessons, and the instructor is paid and the school is a commercial entity.

I also suspect that the warning has to do mainly with power vessels being used a party vessels for fireworks and AC sports spectating.  Again, it's just a suspicion, but it's a fair warning.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Steve Hocking <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello John,
Just to make sure I checked with the NMC and it states:
"6-pack license" This license is most appropriate forun-inspected passenger vessels which by law are limited to six or less passengers for hire. These are usually smaller vessels and normally engage in charter fishing, whale watching, SCUBA diving and tour cruises. This license is limited to near coastal waters only not more than 100 miles off shore and is not valid for international voyages.
That's it - no where does it say that you cannot charge passengers, as long as they are 6 or less. As far as I know there is no requirements to register with a "port authority (which one?)  Seems to me whoever is writing this stuff is somewhat of an alaermist. Maybe he means if you charter without having the prerequisite license.  I appreciate your efforts and won't be using your web site any more.  I don't know what other web site you are referring to.

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [gotwaw] The money issue - re:4th of July Fireworks Sail!
Date: Fri, 29 Jun[masked]:50:13 -0400

As the group organizer, I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:
When: Wednesday, July 4,[masked]:00 PM
Where: Berkeley Marina
Spinnaker Way
Berkeley, CA 94710
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)
You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.
I've added the following disclaimer to the event description:
*The money mentioned is a voluntary contribution in the opinion of the Group Organizer, Capt. Dan has stated that if it's too much for you to contribute, then email him.  This meets my definition of voluntary. Any comments can be directed at the group organizer by clicking on the 'Contact Us' link on the web pages.

As a sailor, I'm always looking to the horizon to discern what sort of weather might be coming our way.  The US Coast Guard is stepping up it's efforts in regards to 'illegal charters'.  This is territory that I'd rather my assistant organizers not venture into.  Even if they are licensed captains, even if they have charter insurance.  There have been reports of requirements that legal charter businesses be registered with the port authorities. I urge all of us to gain some experience with monitoring Vessel Traffic Control on VHS Channel 14.  It's apparent that Charter Vessels are required to check in with Vessel Traffic Control.
The North Bay Sailing Meetup group organizes sailing trips with charter businesses. If that is what you want as a member, or an assistant organizer, then I suggest you chart a course for that group.  I'd rather our group watch what happens over there, before we sail into those waters.

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