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Re: [NESIT] Question

From: Mark S.
Sent on: Sunday, February 21, 2016, 6:53 PM
I sign up for things that look interesting. Lots of things I want to learn and get involved in at one point or another. But I probably won't be finding the time to get there. As I think that I'm going to free up time, it seems like more stuff has to get put on the backburner. I should have unsubscribed a long time ago.

Good luck with your meetup. Things like NESIT sound great for people who can actually take advantage of them.


On 2/20/[masked]:05 PM, Nesit CT wrote:

As of today we renewed our account for another 6 months, we have a total of 277 members on our meetup. Most of you have joined the group but have not come to a single meetup or even visited NESIT.

Whats your reason for not showing up?

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