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New Meetup: Thursday Night: Embudito Trail - Lower and Upper Level

From: Sharon E.
Sent on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 1:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Thursday Night: Embudito Trail - Lower and Upper Level

When: Thursday, July 22,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Embudito Trailhead
Trailhead Road
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Time: 6:00pm (please be prompt because we will leave by 6:05pm)
Location: Embudito Trail Head
Directions: See the "Where" section of this announcement for specific directions.

Who Should Attend: If you hiked with me on other hikes that I have led OR if you have completed at least 4 hikes in the past 3 weeks of at least 5 miles or more at a moderate pace.

Hike Description: We will be hiking for approximately two hours at a MODERATE pace. Note: This is NOT a stroll and this should not be your first hike of the season. We will start hiking at the base of the Embudito Trail and explore the lower canyon area for the first hour and then in the second hour we will hike up the Embudito Trail (as time allows). Breaks will be minimal and short because we are hiking for only two hours.

Dogs: Dogs are welcomed as long as they are leashed, even when we are in the wilderness area because the trail is narrow and I don't want a fellow hiker knocked into a cactus. Ouch!

Suggested Items to Bring:
1) Water (at least 32 ounces)
2) Hiking Boots or shoes that protect your toes
3) Hat
4) Sunglasses
5) Sunscreen

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