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New Meetup: Shady Three Gun Springs Hike - Hike your own pace and distance

From: Keith F.
Sent on: Monday, July 19, 2010, 10:34 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Shady Three Gun Springs Hike - Hike your own pace and distance

When: Wednesday, July 21,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Smith's Food & Drug
200 Tramway Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87101

Distance: 4.8 miles round trip Elevation: 6345 to 7880.

Moderate hike which can be made easy by hiking slow and turning around early or difficult by flying up to the top. It is straight up the canyon and pretty easy to follow if you aren't seriously directional challenged.

Bring a headlamp or flashlight and water.

The initial half of the hike is uphill, not steep, but challenging if you are not in shape. Then it get's moderately to mod+ steep up to the ridge. Switch backs keep it from being very steep.

Nice views at the top and along the switch backs.

We will be back to the cars by 9:15 at the latest which is just before nautical twilight. We should be in the shade the entire hike.

We leave promptly.


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