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Please help

From: Keith F.
Sent on: Friday, July 16, 2010, 3:32 PM
Hi fellow hiker.

I am hoping to get 3-4 volunteers who will drive to Tunnel Springs, near Placitas, on the evening of August 21 (a Saturday), pick up 3-4 hikers and drive them back to a location in ABQ. A group of us are planning to hike from one end of the Sandias to the other. It will be a very long day for us anyway and trying to shuttle ourselves around will make it longer.

Several of the hikers are hike organizers or volunteer some other way on a regular basis to make it possible for others to go on hikes and trail runs. Please help us out.

We would be arriving at Tunnel Springs, around 5:30pm give or take an hour or two. We would take cell phones and call you when approaching the end, so we would not have to wait long but you would not have to wait at all.

Thanks in advance for your support.
