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New Meetup: Indian School Loop (Weekly hike) ?NEW TIME, 6:30pm

From: PeterM
Sent on: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 7:44 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Indian School Loop (Weekly hike) ?NEW TIME, 6:30pm

When: June 18,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Most people who are in shape at all should be able to do this hike.

Why: This is a nice little loop past a waterfall.

Meetup Description: Hello,

NOTE TIME CHANGE!! 6:30pm not 6:15pm!

This hike is our traditional Wednesday hike from summer nights last year. The hike takes us up the Embudo trail past a waterfall, by a stream, and then back down the ridgeline with good views of ABQ.

Because of the sunset, we will leave no later than 6:35pm, so please arrive on time.

Note: Drive all the way East on Indian School, then continue further into the Open Space parking lot. We will meet in the Open Space parking lot.

Come with reasonable shoes, water, maybe a hat, and weather-appropriate clothes. Also a flashlight if you plan on hiking slowly.

People who aren't in good shape can just hike up to the waterfall and then turn around. That is a very easy walk, and is only about 1 mile round trip. The loop is longer and harder (3 miles, 500-ish feet, steep in spots, 1 hour at a fast pace), but most people who are in shape should be able to finish before sunset, or shortly thereafter.

Address questions to "PeterM" on the RSVP list.


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