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New Meetup: Domingo Baca Canyon -- Pino Trail Loop

From: Aaron G.
Sent on: Monday, October 6, 2008, 8:40 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Domingo Baca Canyon -- Pino Trail Loop

When: October 16,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Level: Difficult and Strenuous
Distance: 9-10 Miles

We will carpool from Albertsons to Elena Gallegos Open Space. (Parking $1.00) We will hike up the Domingo Baca route through TWA canyon past crash site and up to the La Luz Trail. The route goes from very steep to incredibly steep between the crash site and La Luz Trail. Once we hit the La Luz Trail the hard part is over. We will then hike the La Luz to the Tram terminal, follow the S. Crest Trail to the Pino Trail and return to Elena Gallegos Open Space.

There is a purpose to this hike. In the future I would like to organize an off trail hike from the Elena Gallegos Open Space to the Crest up through one of the canyons east of Domingo Baca. There are excellent vistas along the upper La Luz, S. Crest and Pino Trails for taking photos and visual observation of these canyons. We will be stopping for a number of photo ops.

Be advised that that the route from the TWA crash site to the La Luz Trail is exploratory. I have only gone part way up so we may have experience a few course corrections. The last time the route appeared to be clearly defined but snow blocked our way.

It is recommended you dress in layers, be prepared for cold, bring gloves and good footwear. Bring plenty of water and snacks. I will be bringing Roxie Dog. Dogs in good shape that can climb are welcome. Remember this is close to 10 miles and somewhere close to 4000 feet of elevation. Make sure your dog can handle it.

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