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New Event: Tree Springs Hike

From: PeterM
Sent on: Monday, August 20, 2007, 7:02 PM
Announcing a new event for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Tree Springs Hike

When: Saturday, August 25, 8:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Hello,

Let's do a hike from Tree Springs to the ridgeline overlooking Albuquerque, This is a great hike for this time of year. The altitude is high and the trail has lots of shade, so hopefully it'll be tolerably cool.

We'll meet at the Smith's parking lot at Tramway/Central, near 4-Hills Shopping center. Park on the western side of the Smith's lot. From there, we'll carpool 40E to 14N to Sandia Crest Road, and proceed to Tree Springs Trailhead/Parking lot (it's on the left going uphill), where parking is $3.

The hike itself is, as I have said, mostly in the shade and the altitude is pretty high. I estimate hiking it is 1.5 hours up and 1 hour back down--but considerably longer if people want to go all the way to Crest House. The trail is pretty much all uphill. I would call it "moderate"--most people in reasonable shape should be able to make it without trouble, but if you're in the habit of doing almost nothing physical you will have trouble.

At the top of the hike (or middle if you want to go to Crest House) there's a really cool rock which you can sit on and overlook Albuquerque from 10k feet as you munch your snacks. This is the same rocky overlook we sat on for Amanda's South 10k hike.

Be prepared with water, snacks, sunscreen, hats, shoes with good traction, and raingear (that side of the mountain can get unexpected rain.)

This hike is pretty straightforward, and not easy to get lost on, so I'm not limiting attendance. That said, please be willing to be self-reliant, and if you decide to separate from the hike leader, *please* inform someone of your whereabouts and intentions. And, as always, try to stay with whomever drove you! It's a bad idea to get separated from your ride!

Please direct any questions to PeterM on the RSVP list.



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