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New Meetup: Exploration Hike: Poo Poo Lollypop

From: Derek
Sent on: Friday, September 10, 2010, 3:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bellevue/Seattle Hikers Meetup Group!

What: Exploration Hike: Poo Poo Lollypop

When: Saturday, September 11,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Tiger Mtn. Flight Park/Chirico Trail parking lot
11322 Issaquah Hobart Rd SE
Issaquah, WA 98027

This will start out with the normal Poo Poo Point via the Chirico Trail, but we'll explore further once we get to the top. Judging from the trail map, there's a set of trails that continues on once you reach the Point. The loop will connect the West Tiger Railroad grade, the One View and Hidden Forest trails, and a bit of a gravel road walk back to Chirico. Looks like this loop will add 3-4 miles to the hike, for a roughly 8 mile day.

If we're really ambitious, the Poo Top trail takes off about halfway around the loop to climb the summit of West Tiger 1. I'd guess an additional 1.5-2 miles to add in this option.

I'm marking this as an exploration hike since I haven't tried this loop before, so will take a little poking around to find the entry spot from the top of the Point. So far, this map has been accurate about every other Tiger Mountain trail I've explored so far, so we shouldn't run into any unusual problems. As always, trail conditions may vary, so we could run into some muddy or overgrown spots.

Please note that I am not a professional hiker and do not have certified training or insurance. As you are aware, inherent hazards and risks are associated with hiking and all other physical activity. Please be an experienced hiker and be responsible for your own safety and health. I am not in charge of this hike, I?m merely going on a hike myself and inviting others to join me.

Let?s meet in the Tiger Mountain Flight Park parking lot in time to begin hiking at 6:00pm.

The approximate address of the parking lot is:
11322 Issaquah Hobart Rd SE, Issaquah, WA

From Seattle take I-90 east to exit 17 (Front Street). Turn Right (south) on Front Street. Follow Front Street through Issaquah as it becomes Issaquah Hobart Rd. At about 3 miles from I-90 you will see the landing field and parking lot on the left.

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