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Visual/UX Designer needed

From: diane p.
Sent on: Friday, May 18, 2012, 10:43 AM
My client is building out a web application for a new healthcare product.  They have all of the technical and programming completed for the web app and the mobile app and are now looking to bring on a seasoned Visual Designer with very strong UX skills to put the skin on this project.
This can be done remotely, LA based is ideal but might consider someone out of LA if they were the best fit.  Looking for someone with great visual aesthetic, passionate about usability and who really wants to put the time and energy into creating a great product.  Must be able to dedicate 2-3 months for this and make it top priority, the client has already been burned by talent that was non-communicative and missing deadlines left and right.
If you are avaialable, talented and ready to go, get in touch with me asap. Please send samples of your best work and some detail on the projects.  This is going to be a great project!



Diane Pirritino
Director of Graphics & Marketing
325 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite #202
Santa Monica, California 90401
T. [masked]

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