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Re: [ia-55] Re: drop down samples

From: user 4.
Sent on: Friday, May 1, 2009, 9:19 AM
Thanks to all you who shared some of your info with me. highly appreciated.

your search hints/dropdown/filte­ring system is very interesting. it seems like an advanced feature that has lots of potential. thanks for sending this.


// henry escoto (via web mail)
// https://www.pixeln...­

----- Original Message ----
From: Tommy Chheng <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, April 30,[masked]:38:05 AM
Subject: [ia-55] Re: drop down samples

We have gone through a few revisions on drop down interfaces at https://PeopleJar....­ 

At first, we had a custom dropdown integrated with text field. The  
idea is to have a multi-selectable control with the possibility that  
the user can add in a value as well.

We found people didn't really understand this "super control" that  
does everything.

We ended up using two controls: one for search related and one on the  
profile creation side.

The new control keeps the dropdown to something more familiar. When  
the user clicks on the dropdown value, it just adds a value in right  
below it. The user can click on "X" to remove it.

As an example of this UI control, go to https://peoplejar....­, type in  
"Graphic Designer" in the search box,  click on "Add Filter" and  
select "Design Services Available"

You can also see the other dropdown UI control if you login. Click on  
"My Profile" and look at the "Spoken Language" field for an example.

Tommy Chheng

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