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Mental Endurance Skill, Trekking Poles & Base Weight, Navigation Skills, More Trips!

From: John
Sent on: Sunday, April 13, 2014, 6:48 PM

Hello everyone!


When we talk about endurance and backpacking thoughts and conversation generally turn to the physical endurance side.  But what about mental toughness and endurance?  What about the times you face unexpected obstacles or you're so tired you want to stop where you are?  How about those times where the trail is not so difficult and you have miles to go to stay on schedule?  What about when you face these by yourself without the aid of a group?  Read some hints here about training your thoughts.


Now everyone's favorite subject trekking poles.  Not necessarily should you use them or not but a more..mundane question.  Should they be considered part of your base weight?  Read this beginning hiker's sometimes humorous story about starting his backpacking career on the PCT and trekking poles.


Want to learn some quick and easy lessons about using your compass to take bearings and go off trail using your compass and a map?  Read about them here.  Keep in mind reading about them and doing them are two different things.  Grab your map and compass, find a trail and practice!


And the trips just keep on coming!  The leadership team is working hard to provide more trips for everyone!  From beginning and kid friendly backpacking trips to some high mileage weekends at some very cool places.  And sometimes just to get out in the woods and go!  Have a look at our upcoming trips and find one that you would like to take!  Our membership is growing almost daily and we want to provide the trips that interest you so let us know what they are.


This coming weekend (Easter) there are 2 trips scheduled.  One in Tennessee and one close by on the Tecumseh Trail so that you can get home Saturday night or Sunday morning.  Both of them have some openings so if you have the urge to go RSVP and gear up!


Have a question or comment about our group, gear or backpacking in general?  Post it in our discussion forum or on our Facebook­­­­­­­­­ page.

See you  on the trail!

Indy Backpackers does not charge for our trips or charge annual dues.  If you have enjoyed a trip or benefited in any way we do appreciate a $5 donation or purchases from our SWAG store to help pay our meetup fees.
SWAG - Indy Backpackers Store

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