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Holidays and Schedules

From: Justin L.
Sent on: Monday, November 7, 2011, 10:40 AM
I've opened up two topics in the Meetup discussion forums.  Please
discuss there so we don't spam everybody.

## Holidays

The November meetup would be on Thanksgiving, so I'm not scheduling
one. The December meetup won't be on christmas, but sometimes it's
nice to just slow down and enjoy the holidays. So: enjoy the holidays,
and work on awesome presentations for January ;^)

Please respond at

## Meetup times

A year ago, I picked a schedule that was on the somewhat traditional
Thursday, and worked with my own schedule. Since then a few things
have changed, I've heard one member mention another meetup on the same
day (ChiPy?), and it seems like I usually see two or three other
events crop up on that Thursday. Does it make sense to change days?

What other events do you care about?

Please respond at

Justin Love -- https://JustinLove...­