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Firefox OS App Day

From: Justin L.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 3:54 PM
Have you heard of Firefox OS (formally "boot to gecko")? It's
Mozilla's open source mobile operating system, with apps built on web
technology.  Recently, I saw the Firefox OS App Days happening around
the world


I thought, why don't we have one here? If we pulled together together
the Chicago web and mobile communities, could we do it ourselves?

The answer is yes.

I got in touch with local Firefox OS developer Kumar McMillan (who
some you may know from meetups)  He was a little too busy coding for
Firefox OS to put this on himself, but he's offered to get us started
and help out people experimenting during the event.  Although Mozilla
is maxed out on "official" Firefox OS events, they will be providing a
little support as well.

And thanks to successful Chicago companies like Braintree, we've got a
space to host it.

Join us Sunday, January 27th for a sneak peak at a true mobile web platform


Justin Love -- https://JustinLove...­

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