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New Meetup: SF JS November Meetup (#4)

From: Matt H.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 11:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The SF JavaScript Meetup!

What: SF JS November Meetup (#4)

When: November 25,[masked]:30 PM

Where: CNET Networks - Magma Conference Room

Meetup Description: The San Francisco JavaScript November Meetup (#4) will be on November 25th at 5:30PM in the Magma Conference Room of CNET Networks.

Come hang out and listen to some great talks about JavaScript, and network with some of the best technical and startup folks around. The first three meetups have been excellent, and we're going to keep them rolling. It's been almost 3 months since our last event, so I am excited that there will be a lot of new and very cool stuff to talk about.

I know we're a little close to Thanksgiving on this one, but I think a majority of people will still be around two days before, so join us on Tuesday before you head off for the holiday.


5:30 - 5:45 : Casual networking, talking about JS stuff, waiting for the room to fill up
5:45 - 6:45 : A few 10 minute talks and questions on JS-related code, frameworks, technologies, etc
6:45 - ???? : Followup questions for speakers, further networking, and whatever

As a note, we're going a little earlier than normal on this one and as of now, there will not be food (we'll keep it short so you can all run off to dinner afterwards). That said, if anyone is interested in a food sponsorship for the event, do let me know. I'll keep you all posted with details about this should anything change.

Other than that, see you all on Tuesday November 25th, and there's one or maybe two spots left to talk so if anyone wants to discuss something, shoot me an email ASAP because the spots will go fast.



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