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SF JS #4 Next Tuesday! (speaker list included)

From: Matt H.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 10:00 AM
Hey everyone, I just wanted to send out one more reminder about the SF JS #4 next Tuesday, November 25th, 5:30 PM, at CNET Networks. Our signups are a little weaker than normal, not at all unexpected given the state of the economy, but we have an excellent list of speakers for this event so I'd love your help to spread the word about this event.

Here's a brief overview of who is talking:

Douglas Crockford - An overview of jslint

Michael Carter - The CometDaily author will talk about and Orbited

Marcus Westin - This Meebo-er will tell us about pub-sub architectures

Nicholas Zakas - YUI team member will discuss the exciting and new YUI3

Aaron Newton - MooTools, 'pattern programming', and how to write small, modular, shallow inheritance code

David Greenspan - A founder of AppJet and Etherpad will touch on core language and runtime topics

Jed Schmidt - Tips and best practices for bookmarklets

As you can see the speakers are top-notch and are all talking about extremely interesting, useful topics. Please do spread the word so we get an awesome turn out for these guys!

As an aside, there's still been no luck with a food sponsorship so if people want to throw in a couple bucks when they get there, I will order some pizzas so we don't all go hungry. If anyone has any food ideas, reply directly to me and let's talk.

Other than that, see you Tuesday!!


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